Fyfield and Tubney Area Designation Consultation

Closes 6 Aug 2024

Next steps

After the consultation ends, the district council will consider your comments and will decide whether to formally designate the Neighbourhood Area for Fyfield and Tubney. The final decision will be published on their neighbourhood planning page on our website.

Paper copies

Paper copies are available to view by appointment by contacting the district council, please email planning.policy@southandvale.gov.uk or calling 01235 422600. A member of our team will assist in providing the location of the hard copies within the parish.

The documents can also be viewed by appointment at the district council’s office at Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE on Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm and Friday 8.30am – 4pm. Please email or call us to make an appointment.

Alternative formats

Alternative formats of the consultation documents are available on request. These include large print, Braille, audio, email, Easy Read and alternative languages. Please contact us on 01235 422600 or email planning.policy@southandvale.gov.uk if you need help accessing the consultation materials or have any queries about this consultation. 

If you know anyone you think would be interested in this consultation, who does not have access to the internet, we would appreciate your help in telling them about it. Please ask them to get in touch with us via our contact details provided above.