Join the conversation

You can make a real difference to your local community by Joining the Conversation in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse.





Every year, we make lots of decisions that affect your communities. That's why we want your input. Find all the opportunities to get involved here – and let us know your thoughts on issues that matter to you.

You can see all of our recent consultations and surveys displayed below. Or, you can search by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

Open activities

  • Fyfield and Tubney Area Designation Consultation

    Vale of White Horse District Council has received a Neighbourhood Area Designation application from Fyfield and Tubney Parish Council. If designated, Fyfield and Tubney Parish Council will have the authority to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the Neighbourhood Area. ...

    Closes 6 August 2024

  • Healthy Didcot Survey

    South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have been working with several local community partners on a project to find out more about health and wellbeing in Didcot. What is health and wellbeing? Health and wellbeing covers a range of topics...

    Closes 19 August 2024

  • Berinsfield Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Consultation

    Berinsfield Parish Council is working on a Neighbourhood Plan which has recently been submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council. We are inviting your comments on the plan and supporting documents during a publicity period running from Thursday, 25 July to 11.59pm on Thursday, 12...

    Closes 12 September 2024

  • Didcot Garden Party 2024: Feedback Form

    Thank you for attending one of our events. We would be grateful if you could take a moment to give us your views on this year’s Didcot Garden Party. Your feedback will help us to look at ways to improve your experience at future events. Please provide us with your feedback before 11.59pm...

    Closes 13 September 2024

  • Cornerstone in Didcot: your feedback

    Thank you for visiting Cornerstone, we hope you have enjoyed the show! We would really appreciate if you could take a few minutes to rate your experience.

    Closes 6 January 2025

  • Your chance to get involved with Didcot Garden Town: sign-up form

    It is an exciting time for the Didcot Garden Town project as it comes off the delivery plan pages into real life community projects! The garden town team are implementing the new refocused Didcot Garden Town (DGT) Delivery Plan, which was approved in 2022. They are working on how to deliver...

    Closes 31 March 2025

  • Equalities database: sign up form

    Are you a voluntary organisation or community group that represents any of the ‘protected characteristics'? The Equality Act 2010 introduced the term “protected characteristics” to refer to groups that are protected under the Act. Protected characteristics are legally defined as: age...

    Closes 31 March 2025

Closed activities

  • Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan Review: Submission Consultation

    Wallingford Town Council is working on a Neighbourhood Plan Review which has recently been submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council. We are inviting your comments on the plan and supporting documents during a publicity period running from Thursday, 13 June to 11.59pm on Thursday, 25...

    Closed 25 July 2024

  • Thame Neighbourhood Plan Review: Submission Consultation

    Thame Town Council is working on a Neighbourhood Plan Review which has recently been submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council. We are inviting your comments on the plan and supporting documents during a publicity period running from Thursday, 13 June to 11.59pm on Thursday, 25 July....

    Closed 25 July 2024

  • Help us set 'The Way Ahead' for South Oxfordshire

    Our Council Priorities for 2024-2028 What is South Oxfordshire’s Plan? We are preparing a new plan for the next four years. It’s very important to us that it reflects the priorities and aspirations of local residents, businesses and community groups. We...

    Closed 14 May 2024

  • At the Heart of the Vale - Our Plan for 2024-28

    At the hear t of the Vale of White Horse, the Council is making a place that our residents feel proud to call home . It’s not just our mission for today. We want to secure a vibrant, inclusive and happy place for this generation and generations to come. This clear purpose guides how we...

    Closed 14 May 2024

  • Waste Satisfaction Survey 2024

    We would like to know what you think of our waste and recycling services across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse. You may recall that we asked for your views on our services in summer 2023. We received over 2,000 responses - thank you to everyone who took part! If you would...

    Closed 23 April 2024