South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Local Plan 2041 


The next steps for our Joint Local Plan

After three years of preparation, our draft Joint Local Plan is nearly at the stage we submit it for examination to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

What is a Local Plan?

A Local Plan looks ahead fifteen years and plans how much development is needed in an area, like new homes, jobs, roads and schools, and where they should go. It also sets standards for environmental protection, sustainability, water quality and much more.

At South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils we are working together to produce a new Joint Local Plan for both districts. While preparing the plan, we carried out two rounds of public consultation, which you can read about further down this page.

What’s happening now?

We have submitted the plan to the secretary of state for independent examination. You can read full details of this on our examination page

Prior to submitting the plan, we published it for representations for a six-week period under Regulation 19 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

You can read the documents that were available in our Examination Library. You can read the comments we received here

Supporting documents, evidence base and topic papers

You can also read our supporting documents, evidence base and topic papers here

Consultation on Sustainability Appraisal Technical Addendum

We consulted on a technical addendum to our Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report from 6 December until 17 January 2025. We are currently reviewing all the comments we received and these will be available in due course. 

How our communities helped us draft the plan

During the plan’s creation, we carried out two successful stages of public consultation, both of which were shortlisted for national awards, with the second being Highly Commended at the Planning Awards 2024. You can read more about these in our summary of previous consultations

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