Response 916220455

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Part A - your personal details

1. To submit a response to the Sustainability Appraisal Technical Addendum, the councils have a duty to publish your response. Please tick to provide your consent below.

Checkbox: Ticked I provide my consent for my name to be published against my comments (Required)

2. Are you responding as:

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Member of the public
Radio button: Unticked Agent, developer or landowner
Radio button: Unticked District, county or town/parish councillor
Radio button: Unticked Town/parish council
Radio button: Unticked Neighbourhood Planning Group
Radio button: Unticked Community or interest group
Radio button: Unticked Statutory body (Environment Agency, National Highways, Natural England etc.)
Radio button: Unticked Utility company or infrastructure provider
Radio button: Unticked Business/organisation
Radio button: Unticked Another planning authority
Radio button: Unticked Other (please specify below)

3. Please provide your contact details below.

Full Name (Required)
Geoff Weir

Full name and organisation details:

Full name and organisation details:
Geoff Weir

Technical Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

4. If you have any comments on the Sustainability Appraisal Technical Addendum, please provide them below.

Comments on Sustainability Appraisal
I support this Sustainability Appraisal Technical Addendum.