48 results
Didcot Garden Party 2024: Feedback Form
Thank you for attending one of our events. We would be grateful if you could take a moment to give us your views on this year’s Didcot Garden Party. Your feedback will help us to look at ways to improve your experience at future events. Please provide us with your feedback before 11.59pm on Friday 13 September. If you have any questions about the Didcot Garden Party, please contact us at didcotgardentown@southandvale.gov.uk . What happens next ... MoreClosed 13 September 2024 -
Vale of White Horse Polling Districts and Places Review Consultation
Vale of White Horse district council is currently reviewing all polling districts and places in the Vale of White Horse. This means that the venue where you normally cast your vote, or the polling district it belongs to, could change. In this survey you will be able to see the changes we are proposing and provide your feedback. A polling district is a geographical area set for the purposes of an election only. All voters who live in the same polling district go to the same polling... MoreClosed 21 October 2024 -
South Oxfordshire Polling Districts and Places Review Consultation
South Oxfordshire district council is currently reviewing all polling districts and places in South Oxfordshire. This means that the venue where you normally cast your vote, or the polling district it belongs to, could change. In this survey you will be able to see the changes we are proposing and provide your feedback. A polling district is a geographical area set for the purposes of an election only. All voters who live in the same polling district go to the same polling place to... MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
Joint Local Plan 2041 Publication Stage
In January 2024, we asked for your input on our Joint Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation, covering topics such as climate change, housing, jobs, infrastructure, transport, nature recovery, and healthy places. The feedback we received has played a crucial role in shaping the proposed Joint Local Plan for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse, and we now invite you to view and comment on the publication version. ... MoreClosed 12 November 2024 -
Wantage Neighbourhood Plan: Submission consultation
Wantage Town Council is working on a Neighbourhood Plan which has recently been submitted to Vale of White Horse District Council. We are inviting your comments on the plan and supporting documents during a publicity period running from 10 October to 11.59pm on 21 November 2024. You can view the neighbourhood plan and supporting documents below. This consultation is separated into three sections: Part A - Personal details Part B - Your comments Part C -... MoreClosed 21 November 2024 -
Proposed changes to the additional Council Tax charge for long-term empty properties - South Oxfordshire District Council
South Oxfordshire District Council is seeking your views on possible changes to the rules concerning the council tax premium for long-term empty properties. Under the council's current policy, domestic properties that are left unoccupied and substantially unfurnished for at least two years incur a 100 per cent additional council tax charge, or 'premium'. Recent changes in legislation now allow councils to reduce this minimum timeframe from two years to just one year. If this change is... MoreClosed 26 November 2024 -
Proposed changes to the additional Council Tax charge for long-term empty properties - Vale of White Horse District Council
Vale of White Horse District Council is seeking your views on possible changes to the rules concerning the council tax premium for long-term empty properties. Under the council's current policy, domestic properties that are left unoccupied and substantially unfurnished for at least two years incur a 100 per cent additional council tax charge, or 'premium'. Recent changes in legislation now allow councils to reduce this minimum timeframe from two years to just one year. If this change is... MoreClosed 26 November 2024 -
Review of Street Trading Policy Survey
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are in the process of reviewing the joint Street Trading Policy. We last reviewed this in 2011, and since then street trading in the districts has become more popular which has identified gaps within the policy. We are proposing amendments to the policy to help resolve those issues and provide more clarity on street trading in the area. The amendments include updates to community and charity events, markets,... MoreClosed 26 November 2024 -
Household Support Voucher Scheme Referral - Agency Feedback
Thank you in advance for your feedback. Your thoughts and reflections are invaluable to us and will help us review the last round of the councils' Household Support Voucher Scheme, which ran from July to September 2024. Personal data Your feedback is anonymous. Any personal information you provide to the councils within your comments that could identify you will not be shared or published. All questions are optional - you do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to.... MoreClosed 20 December 2024 -
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Festive Quiz
It’s time to Rethink Waste! We recently launched a plan encouraging everyone to Rethink Waste! We want to enable people to reuse, repair, refill and rehome items, instead of throwing them away. During the festive period, too many items end up in waste. T est your knowledge on how you can reduce and reuse your items and you could win a place on a series of art workshops at the Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot. The quiz is open until 11.59pm... MoreClosed 5 January 2025 -
Joint Local Plan 2041: Consultation on Technical Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
We have prepared a Sustainability Report as part of the combined Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process for the Joint Local Plan 2041. The first stage in the SA process was the production of a SA Screening and Scoping Report, which was published in 2022. This report included a review of other plans, policies and programmes already in place which could influence the Joint Local Plan. The report went on to establish the baseline... MoreClosed 17 January 2025 -
Your views on the Berinsfield Regeneration Strategy
We want to hear from residents with their thoughts on the Berinsfield Regeneration Strategy. Your feedback is important to us, as it will help us guide and inform development proposals for Land at Mount Farm and ensure regeneration opportunities are maximised to deliver real improvement for the existing village. As you might know from previous community engagement, the district council has developed a vision for 'Berinsfield Garden Village' which it intends to achieve by promoting... MoreClosed 6 February 2025 -
Housing Allocations Policy Review
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are seeking your views on proposed changes to our joint Housing Allocations Policy. We maintain a housing register and advertise available social housing through a Choice Based Lettings Scheme. The Joint Housing Allocations Policy sets out the criteria to join the housing register and the rules for how social housing is allocated. The policy needs updating to reflect current housing priorities in the... MoreCloses 18 March 2025 -
Charity Collections Policy
We are introducing a new joint policy for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse districts related to charity collections. The proposed policy is aimed at safeguarding donors and beneficiaries, ensuring fair access to collection opportunities and preventing unlicensed fundraising. It introduces key measures, including: A requirement for applicants to provide detailed supporting material about their charity. Restrictions on where collections can take... MoreCloses 26 March 2025 -
Your chance to get involved with Didcot Garden Town: sign-up form
It is an exciting time for the Didcot Garden Town project as it comes off the delivery plan pages into real life community projects! The garden town team are implementing the new refocused Didcot Garden Town (DGT) Delivery Plan, which was approved in 2022. They are working on how to deliver the projects that the community has identified as the most important to bring greater social, economic and environmental benefits to the town. These projects compliment the wider delivery of just over... MoreCloses 31 March 2025 -
Equalities database: sign up form
Are you a voluntary organisation or community group that represents any of the ‘protected characteristics'? The Equality Act 2010 introduced the term “protected characteristics” to refer to groups that are protected under the Act. Protected characteristics are legally defined as: age gender reassignment being married or in a civil partnership being pregnant or on maternity leave disability race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin... MoreCloses 31 March 2025 -
Compliments and Comments Feedback Form
We always aim to provide a high standard of service, but try as we might, we may not always get it right first time. We value feedback about our services and welcome any comments which can help us to continue to improve the service we provide at the district council. Equally, we would love to hear any compliments about our service, whether that is providing praise to a particular member of staff or service team. Or letting us know when we have provided an exceedingly high standard... MoreCloses 4 April 2025 -
Cornerstone in Didcot: your feedback
Thank you for visiting Cornerstone, we hope you have enjoyed the show! We would really appreciate if you could take a few minutes to rate your experience. MoreCloses 7 September 2028
48 results.
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